Causes: Nitrous oxide N20
Fig. 1: Instructions for this interactive graph (Credit: The 2°
- Mouse over anywhere on the graph to see the changes in global atmospheric N2O over the last thousand years.
- To see details for time periods of your choice, hold your mouse button down on one section then drag the mouse across a few years, and release it.
- To see how this compares to the past 771,000 years, click on the ‘time’ icon on the top left.
- Compare this to rising global temperatures by clicking the planet/thermometer icon at the top left corner.
- To return the graph to its original position, double-click the time icon to the left of the thermometer/planet icon
Fig. 2: Emissions from soils used for agriculture in NZ. The yellow highlight show the amount of N2O that comes from soil used per animal. As the total CO2-e (blue highlight) in soils comes exclusively from N2O, the values in both highlighted columns is the same.