Response: Technology – capture & store CO2
CO2 pulled from the air – image: Climeworks
- What is being done?
- Brief history of climate change: who knew what, when
- IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- The Paris Agreement
- NDCs: Nationally Determined Contributions
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- NZ policies & strategies
- Modelling the future climate
- Technology: capture & store CO2
- – Use enhanced rock weathering
- – Store CO2 in trees…but mostly pines!
- – Store CO2 underground
- – Store CO2 in the ocean
- – Store CO2 in concrete
- Retreat from coasts and rivers
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Home > Climate wiki > Response > Negative emissions technology
Technology to capture CO2 from the atmosphere and store it…somewhere
- The world’s plan by 2050: remove 8 billion tons of CO2 every single year and put it back underground. But only about 0.1% is being removed by technologies.
In 2022, the world emitted 40.5 billion tonnes of CO2. At that rate, for every year of operation at its full potential, each CDR hub would take the atmosphere back in time by almost 13 minutes, but in the time it took to remove those 13 minutes of CO2, the world would have spewed another full year of CO2 into the atmosphere. If everyone on Earth planted a tree—8 billion trees—it would take us back in time by about 43 hours every year, once the trees had matured. Humanity has never removed an atmospheric pollutant at a global, continental or, even, regional scale—we have only ever shut down thesource and let nature do the clearing up. – Prof. David Ho, 2023
- This calculation is based only on what humans are releasing. It doesn’t include the staggering volume of greenhouse gases now being released by collapsing ecosystems.
- MIT breaks down the technical challenges in this November 2024 paper.
- The IPCC pathways assumed that CDR technology would be invented ‘spontaneously’. But some CDR tech sells CO2 as fuel, returning the CO2 back into the atmosphere: 70% of the captured CO2 is injected into depleted oil wells, to squeeze out the last few drops of oil, to keep us addicted to fossil fuels.
Don’t Fall for Big Oil’s Carbon Capture Deceptions: Carbon capture technology is a PR fig leaf designed to help Big Oil delay the phaseout of fossil fuels. – Scientific America, Dec. 2023
…it can be concluded that less than 10mtpa of CO2 was injected in 2023 – or 0.00026% of global energy-related emissions last year. The promotion of CCS (carbon capture and storage) by the fossil fuel sector aims to maintain business as usual, not to reduce production of oil and gas, meaning emissions of this scale will continue into the future.– 2024 Eefa Institute
- Carbon Brief summaries all the CO2 technologies and processes.
- CDRXIV is an online repository for preprint articles and datasets on carbon dioxide removal (CDR). It is free to submit content and free to use.
- Statista shows the capacity of operational large-scale carbon capture and storage facilities worldwide as of 2024.
- Pages on this website that explain the technology and strategies in more detail:
- What is being done?
- Brief history of climate change: who knew what, when
- IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- The Paris Agreement
- NDCs: Nationally Determined Contributions
- Climate Change Commission
- Emissions trading scheme: ETS
- NZ policies & strategies
- Modelling the future climate
- Technology: capture & store CO2
- – Use enhanced rock weathering
- – Store CO2 in trees…but mostly pines!
- – Store CO2 underground
- – Store CO2 in the ocean
- – Store CO2 in concrete
- Retreat from coasts and rivers
- Managing climate anxiety
Other sections
Home > Climate wiki > Response > Negative emissions technology
- The world’s plan by 2050: remove 8 billion tons of CO2 every single year and put it back underground. But only about 0.1% is being removed by technologies.
In 2022, the world emitted 40.5 billion tonnes of CO2. At that rate, for every year of operation at its full potential, each CDR hub would take the atmosphere back in time by almost 13 minutes, but in the time it took to remove those 13 minutes of CO2, the world would have spewed another full year of CO2 into the atmosphere. If everyone on Earth planted a tree—8 billion trees—it would take us back in time by about 43 hours every year, once the trees had matured. Humanity has never removed an atmospheric pollutant at a global, continental or, even, regional scale—we have only ever shut down thesource and let nature do the clearing up. – Prof. David Ho, 2023
- This calculation is based only on what humans are releasing. It doesn’t include the staggering volume of greenhouse gases now being released by collapsing ecosystems.
- MIT breaks down the technical challenges in this November 2024 paper.
- The IPCC pathways assumed that CDR technology would be invented ‘spontaneously’. But some CDR tech sells CO2 as fuel, returning the CO2 back into the atmosphere: 70% of the captured CO2 is injected into depleted oil wells, to squeeze out the last few drops of oil, to keep us addicted to fossil fuels.
Don’t Fall for Big Oil’s Carbon Capture Deceptions: Carbon capture technology is a PR fig leaf designed to help Big Oil delay the phaseout of fossil fuels. – Scientific America, Dec. 2023
…it can be concluded that less than 10mtpa of CO2 was injected in 2023 – or 0.00026% of global energy-related emissions last year. The promotion of CCS (carbon capture and storage) by the fossil fuel sector aims to maintain business as usual, not to reduce production of oil and gas, meaning emissions of this scale will continue into the future.– 2024 Eefa Institute
- Carbon Brief summaries all the CO2 technologies and processes.
- Statista shows the capacity of operational large-scale carbon capture and storage facilities worldwide as of 2024.
- CDRXIV is an online repository for preprint articles and datasets on carbon dioxide removal (CDR). It is free to submit content and free to use.
- Pages on this website that explain the technology and strategies in more detail:
More information
The safest way to store CO2 underground is in places where the CO2 is mineralized, that is, it becomes a rock. This is the process used by Carbfix in Iceland for DACC. Considerable research and experimentation is currently underway to find locations and/or other types of minerals that can be used to enhance this process. If places to store CO2 underground can be found close to factories that produce large amounts of CO2, then the cost of storing carbon safely in rock formations will become much more appealing. As with all things, there are likely to be trade-offs. For example, one kind of rock called olivine may help with this mineralisation process:Our preliminary investigations have shown Mg can also be extracted from basalt; however, we will primarily focus our discussion on two enriched and accessible olivine deposits: the Semail ophiolite (Oman) and the Red Hills Ultramafic Complex (New Zealand) which conservatively contain 1.4 × 105 and 871 billion tonnes of olivine, respectively. – Scott et al (2021)
But Maungakura Red Hills near St Arnaud is part of the Mt Richmond Forest Reserve; it’s surrounded by native ecosystems (images). The whitish area in the centre of the second image is an ephemeral riverbed, not a road (Images: Cody Whitelaw).
- The website is a repository for preprint articles and datasets on carbon dioxide removal (CDR). It is free to submit content and free to use.
- 2025: Carbon capture and storage in Aotearoa – Expert Q+A
- 2025: Kar et al; Direct air capture of CO2 for solar fuel production in flow, Nature Energy (open access)
- 2024: Allen et al; Geological Net Zero and the need for disaggregated accounting for carbon sinks, Nature article pre-publication open access.
- 2024:Stauffer; Reality check on technologies to remove carbon dioxide from the air, MIT News 20 November
- 2024: Herzog et al; Getting real about capturing carbon from the air, One Earth 7 | 9 pp1477-1480
- 2024: Zhou et al; Carbon dioxide capture from open air using covalent organic frameworks, Nature 635 Article
- 2024: Berger et al; Unaccountable counting: the folly of incorporating open ocean carbon sinks in Nationally Determined Contributions, French Academy of Sciences report 356 pp123-137 (PDF)
- 2024: Johnson et al; Can coastal and marine carbon dioxide removal help to close the emissions gap? Scientific, legal, economic, and governance considerations, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 12|1/71
- 2024: The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal report (PDF)
- 2024: Xu et al; Polyphosphonate covalent organic frameworks, Nature Communications 15| 7862 (Open access)
- Plain English Exotic Powder Pulls Carbon Dioxide from the Air at a Record Rate, Scientific American
- 2024: Could capturing carbon curb emissions? – Expert Reaction (New Zealand) July 2024
- 2024: Why carbon capture and storage is not the solution – Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis
- 2024: July Newsroom article on current govt. policy: Govt’s climate emissions tool will prolong fossil gas
- 2024: Depres et al; Sustainability limits needed for CO2 removal, Science 383 | 6682
- 2024: Waller et al; Carbon removal demonstrations and problems of public perception, WIREs Climate Change
- 2024: Woods et al, Biomass composting with gaseous carbon dioxide capture, Royal Society of Chemistry 18 January
- 2023: Stuart-Smith et al; Legal limits to the use of CO2 removal. Science, 302| 6672, 17 November 2023
- 2023: The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal 1st Edition
- 2023: Foley; Don’t Fall for Big Oil’s Carbon Capture Deceptions, Scientific American article, December 2023
- 2023: Ho; Carbon dioxide removal is not a current climate solution—we need to change the narrative, Nature World View 04 April
- 2023: Linke et al; Direct evidence of CO2 drawdown through enhanced weathering in soils Research Square pre-print (note: this is Iceland only)
- 2022: Westevelt; Here’s What the IPCC Report *Actually* Said About Carbon Removal Tech, Drilled, July 12
- 2022: Carbon Brief; Timeline how BECCS became climate change’s ‘saviour’ technology
- 2022: Marshall; In Switzerland, a giant new machine is sucking carbon directly from the air, Science News
- 2022: Warner; The race is on to build the world’s biggest plant that sucks carbon straight from the sky—with tiny Iceland emerging as an unlikely superpower, Fortune
- 2022: Beusseler et al; Removing carbon dioxide: first, do no harm, Nature correspondence
- 2021 Friedemann, Why net zero carbon capture contraptions are absurd – summarises the research to date.
- 2021: Joppa et al; Microsoft carbon removal: lessons from an early corporate purchase
- 2021: Scott et al; Transformation of abundant magnesium silicate minerals for enhanced CO2 sequestration, Nature Communications Earth & Environment 2 | 25
- 2020: UN Emissions Gap Report
- 2019: Yuan et al; Increased atmospheric vapor pressure deficit reduces global vegetation growth, Science Advances 5|8
- 2019: Kelemen et al; An Overview of the Status and Challenges of CO2 Storage in Minerals and Geological Formations, Frontiers in Climate 15 Nov.
- 2018: Harper et al; Land-use emissions play a critical role in land-based mitigation for Paris climate targets, Nature Communications 9, Article number: 2938
- Harper; Guest post on Carbon Brief explaining the research: Why BECCS might not produce ‘negative’ emissions after all
- 2018: National Geographic – This Gasoline Is Made of Carbon Sucked From the Air
- 2018: Dong et al; Effects of Elevated CO2 on Nutritional Quality of Vegetables: A Review, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15 August
- 2018: Gunnarsson, et al; The rapid and cost-effective capture and subsurface mineral storage of carbon and sulfur at the CarbFix2 site Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control 79 pp117–126
- 2017: Hariharan & Mazzotti; Kinetics of flue gas CO2 mineralization processes using partially dehydroxylated lizardite, Chemical Engineering Journal 324, pp397-413
- 2015: Phelps et al; Modelling large-scale CO2 leakages in the North Sea, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 38, pp221-220
- 2012: Smolker and Ernsting, BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage): Climate saviour or dangerous hype? Biofuel Watch UK.
IPCC Special Report Strengthening and implementing the global response, Global Warming of 1.5 ºC Chapter 4
- 1993: Buczynski and Chavetz et al; Habit of Bacterially Induced Precipitates of Calcium Carbonate: Examples from Laboratory Experiments and Recent Sediments, in Carbonate Microfabrics pp 105-116